

只要七個步驟.打造你的完美彩妝! 7 Steps to Great Makeup


1. Avoid wearing too much
Makeup is meant to enhance features not to bring negative attention to you. That's what wearing too much makeup will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don't wear too much of anything such as:
i) Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone and will ruin the rest of your makeup.
ii) Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye shadow.
iii) Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same color as your skin. Foundation is meant to protect and give the face a smooth look.
iv) Powder: The same holds true for powder - not too much. Also, be sure to blend your makeup so there are no obvious lines

1. 切記濃妝豔抹

‧ 本段單字 
1) enhance (v.)增強
2)eyeliner (n.) 眼線
3)mascara (n.)睫毛膏









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