雖然是出外旅行,從衣物清洗到頭髮整理,日常生活的清潔一樣也不會 少。若想要好好享受度假時光,不再理會這些瑣事,不妨善加利用旅館 的美容與洗衣服務,輕輕鬆鬆做個光鮮遊客。
I have some laundry. 我有些衣服需要送洗。 |
From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 從早上9點開始到下午4點為止。 |
I'd like these clothes cleaned (pressed). 這些衣服需要洗滌(熨平)。 |
Is there a beauty salon (barber shop) in this hotel? 旅館中有美容院理髮廳)嗎? |
Please put your laundry in the paper bag and write down the contents of the laundry on it. 請將你需要洗的衣服放在紙袋中,並將衣物內容寫下來。 |
I'd like to make an appointment for 5 p.m. today. 我想要預約今天下午5點。 |
Will it be ready by tomorrow (the day after tomorrow)? 明天(後天)是否可洗好? |
How would you like your hair? 你想要如何整理你的頭髮? |
I need them tonight (tomorrow). 我今晚(明天)就要。 |
Haircut and shampoo (shave) , please. 請幫我剪頭髮和洗髮(修鬍鬚)。 |
I'd like to have my laundry by 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. 我明早9點以前需要這些清洗的衣物。 |
Shampoo and set, please. 請幫我洗頭和整理頭髮。 |
This is not mine. 這件不是我的。 |
Please don't cut it too short. 請不要剪太短。 |
There's one piece missing. 有一件遺失了。 |
A little more off the back (sides/top). 後面(兩邊、頭頂)請再剪一些。 |
From what time do you accept laundry tomorrow morning? 明早幾時開始可以送洗衣物? |
I don't need hair oil. 我不需要抹髮油。 |