Sincerely, every administrator is apparently sexually aroused at the sight of my manly shoulders and knees.
2. “But you’re so young to be involved in politics.”
No time like the present for equality, am I right?
3. “No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.”
A boy who doesn’t support equality isn’t a boy I’d wanna date, thanks. I’ll just eat this pizza and be a free, independent woman.
4. Listening to the inane speculations of the sexual activities of your peers.
Who the hell cares? Down with slut-shaming.
5. Having to protect your feminist teachers against the haters.
Because they get it. #protectteacherfeminists
6. “Doesn’t that mean you hate men?”
No, that’s misandry. I hate teenage boys, but I’m like 99% sure everyone hates teenage boys, even teenage boys.
7. “But I love taking care of my boyfriend!”
Didn’t you just say you wanted to be a doctor? Taking care of your boyfriend is great, and you do you, but don’t you want to be paid as much as he would be for the same job? Liking your boyfriend isn’t anti-feminist, it’s called being nice to your boyfriend.
What girl would let you inside of her? BURN.
9. “So you’re a prude.”
OK, so I’m either a slut or a prude. There’s no winning with you people.
10. Having to listen to rape jokes constantly.
Rape isn’t funny. It’s never funny. There are three types of people who listen to these jokes: people who have never experienced rape, rapists, or people who have been raped. Keep that in mind when you’re being an insensitive bigot.
11. “She was so drunk, she was asking for it”
She wasn’t asking for it. She was never asking for it.
12. “I’m like totally a feminist but like I don’t want people to know and judge me.”
Speak up! The support you get will outweigh any hate you get!
13. Abstinence-only education.
States with abstinence-only education have higher teen pregnancy rates than protection-based education curriculums. Also, I am a woman, please don’t make me feel like my body is wrong and that I am a sexual object at an institutional level, thanks.
14. “Well, I don’t want women to take over the job force just because they are women.”
Huh. So like every U.S. president ever?
So to all you secret high school feminists, remember…
Go out, and do good. The world is at your fingertips.