1. Relaxing in a sky hammock.
Kicking back 164 feet above the ground feels counterintuitive, but the 22 participants who boarded 16 hammocks at The Highline Festival in Monte Piana, Italy, didn’t seem to think so. Climbers chilled on a line that carried a total weight of roughly 5,180 pounds for the “Ticket to the Moon” project, which was captured by photographer Sebastian Wahlhütter. See all of the spine-tingling photos here.
2. Swimming in The Jellyfish Lake.
Located on Eil Malk island in Palau, The Jellyfish Lake is home to more than ten million jellyfish. Even though they have adapted to their surroundings by losing their sting, the sight of all of them together is terrifying.
3. Doing anything on Trolltunga.
Upside down chin-ups? Nope. Carefree leg-dangling? Definitely NOT. At 2,300 feet above the surface of Lake Ringedalsvatnet in Norway, you shouldn’t be doing anything but praying to live another day.
4. Entering crocodile-filled waters.

BNPS.co.uk Wade Huffman/Outer Edge Photography

<a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/Crocosaurus.Cove/photos/pb.114676645226190.-2207520000.1414000111./1008874835806362/?type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-xpa1%2Fv%2Ft1.0-9%2F10177527_1008874835806362_82225380183384707
Climb inside the “Cage of Death” at Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin City, Australia, and conquer your fears of drowning, enclosed spaces, and being eaten alive all at once.
5. Hiking Mount Hua.
Climbers clip onto chains as they hug the rock face at peaks of up to 7,070 feet. What’s more terrifying: the wooden walking path that is less “bridge” and more “lip on the cup of your sanity.”
6. Visiting the Door To Hell.
Travel to Derweze, Ahal Province, Turkmenistan and see the blazing natural gas field that has burned continuously since it was lit by Soviet petroleum engineers in 1971. Without a fence, the gaping hole is open for the public to get the closest look possible.
7. Eating street food creatures.
Finally discover the consistency of starfish with skewered street snacks in China.
8. Flying a jet with zero experience.
Everyday people fly jets—with an instructor present—out of U.S. locations in Florida, Texas, and California with a company called MiGFlug.
9. Snacking on fried spiders.
The popular Cambodian treat is “crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside,” according to one blogger. If you can stomach the idea of eating one, they are fairly high in protein.
10. Base jumping in Zakynthos, Greece.
It’s safe, they said. There isn’t a shipwreck either, they said. Base jumping in Navagio Beach has become so popular that it now hosts the Summer BASE Jump Boogie, where athletes make more than 300 jumps in five days.
11. Checking out Trinidad’s Tamana Caves.
Filled with thousands of bats, the caves house various types of frugiverous (fruit-eating) bats and rare blood-eating vampire bats. No, thank you.