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Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

1. Stuck on how to get the perfect cat eye? Use a credit card to make a foolproof line.

2. Contouring can be as simple as the number “3.”

Follow Joan Smalls’ simple pattern.

3. Mix a little peppermint oil into your lip gloss to give your lips a plumping boost.

Thinkstock / DragonImages

Cinnamon oil also works well!

4. Dab a little clear lip balm on the top of your lip to make your lips really pop.

5. Use your lash curler to get the perfect eyeliner sitch.

6. Use a business card or note card to get the best mascara line.

See exactly how to do it here.

7. Use a white or light eyeliner to really make your eyes pop (or hide how tired/hungover you are).

8. Scrape out every last drop of foundation/bronzer/shimmer before you have to schelp out to the store again.

Because nobody needs extra schlepping. This spatula wand thingy will help you do it.

9. If you accidentally purchase a foundation that’s too dark, adding a bit of moisturizer to your mix can help lighten it.

Getty Images/iStockphoto yurok

10. To get the most out of your mascara, stick in your bra for a few minutes to warm it up.

Getty Images/iStockphoto gpointstudio

It’ll work magic on your lashes and curl so much better.

11. If you’ve run out of eyeliner, but have mascara, it can do double duty.

Use your liner brush to swipe a bit of mascara, and use it to line your upper lashes. Get the full instructions here. Mirenesse iCurl Mascara works wonders and does double duty.

12. If you don’t want your makeup to move an inch, spend $11 on some Ben Nye Final Seal.

It’s a makeup sealer that professionals use to keep makeup from sweating off or sliding off your face and basically your new BFF if you’re planning on going dancing or running or doing something super active.

13. Just because you’ve hit the snooze alarm a zillion times, doesn’t mean you can’t look good:

Check out these super simple makeup routines.

14. If sleep isn’t on your schedule, you can use this helpful highlighter cheat to look more awake.

15. Prime your eyes with white eyeliner or eyeshadow to really make your colorful shadows and liners stand out.

16. Use this easy guide to create a sweet lil’ Cupid’s bow outline.

17. If you want to make your flaky, clumpy mascara last longer, mix a little contact solution in.

But if you’ve had it for longer than three months, toss no matter what. You DO NOT NEED/WANT an eye infection.

18. Too lazy to wash your face at night? Keep face wipes by your bed.

Boots, Skyn Iceland, Josie Maran, Ole Henricksen, and Burt’s Bees all make awesome and easy-to-carry wipes.

19. If you want longer lashes without extensions, add baby powder to your lash routine.


Simply use a cotton swab to dab on baby powder in between mascara applications and you’ll have longer, thicker lashes—easy.

20. To make your lipstick last all day, hold a tissue over your lips and dust them with translucent powder.

ET VOILA! Long-lasting no-fade lip-color for days.

21. An easy way to look less tired? Use your concealer correctly.

22. Wanna fight puffiness? GO TO SLEEP.



Sleeping propped up on two pillows instead of one can help reduce puffiness by helping drain fluid from your face. Literally. That’s it.

23. Want your glossy lipstick to have a matte look without buying a new tube? Dab on some concealer before applying.

Getty Images/iStockphoto MoosyElk

It’ll make it matte just like that, AND it’ll also keep your lipstick on longer.

24. If you want a smudgy eyeliner look but only have a regular kohl pencil, heat up your pencil over a stove burner for a few seconds to soften it.

25. Give yourself a healing foot treatment while you sleep.


Apply peppermint moisturizer or Vaseline to your tired and cracked feet, and then throw on some comfy, cushioned socks. And head to bed. That’s IT. Wake up with soft, smooth feet.

26. If you got a problem, yo, I’ll solve it:

Something something something zzzz Vanilla Ice lyrics.

27. For quick and cute nail art, use this cool Band-Aid trick.

28. If you don’t want to bother getting a full manicure (and who does?) you can simply clean up your nails with this simple recipe

33. Ombre nails take a lot of work. Or not!

use this simple sponge method to apply several colors of polish at once! No waiting for several shades to dry before your nails are done.

29. To make your hair look instantly thicker, brush a little eyeshadow on your part.
Elizabeth Griffin; Kathleen Kamphausen / Via

30. Bonus! Use an old toothbrush to clean out your clogged hairdryer.

31. Tame annoying flyaways with a little bit of hairspray on an old toothbrush.

Drying your hair takes so much work. Get a hair dryer holder and make your life a thousand times easier.
32. Save so much time by drying your hair with a tee shirt instead of a towel.

Tees are way more absorbent and will get your hair dry a lot faster!

33. Want cute curls without bothering with a curling iron? Try this easy no-heat curl method!

Get the whole tutorial here.

34. Make dry shampoo your BFF.

For those in between forget-it-I’m-hitting-snooze-again days. Dry shampoo will help your hair look like ok and not a walking ball of pizza grease. Give Amika Perk Up! Dry Shampoo a go.

35. Screw showering: Just wash your roots in the sink.

That’s where all the dirt and grease collects. And it takes half the time to dry.

36. If you’re really not feeling your hair, just stick it up in a pretty turban or scarf.


Your hair will totally understand.

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