1. Wolverine

This is a no-brainer. Now that Spidey will be in the MCU, Wolverine will be the most famous Marvel hero to not join the movie Avengers. And besides, Hugh Jackman totally wants to do it.
2. X-Men

And if you’re gonna get Wolverine, you may as well get the rest of the X-Men.Avengers Vs. X-Men: The Movie would destroy at the box office.
3. Fantastic Four

Like, obviously! They’re the foundation of the Marvel Universe, and should be part of the MCU.
4. Squirrel Girl

The world is finally ready for Squirrel Girl.
5. Batman

Bruce Wayne vs. Tony Stark just makes a lot of sense. Let’s do it.
6. Optimus Prime

Ahhhhhhhhh Iron Man has to fight Optimus Prime too!!!!!
7. Mario and Luigi

1 UP!
8. Chewbacca the Wookiee

Hey, Marvel and Lucasfilm are both owned by Disney. This should be easy!
9. Buzz Lightyear

And Pixar is owned by Disney too!
10. The Incredibles

These guys are also Pixar!!
11. Dora the Explorer

The Avengers need an explorer.
12. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Let’s see these guys team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
13. Shrek

14. Deadpool

This is another no-brainer. Get the merc with a mouth in the MCU already!
15. Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

But only Michelangelo. Maybe the other three Turtles can come over eventually.
16. Garfield

Garfield loves lasagna, and so does Iron Man.
17. The Fonz

Ayyyyyyy! Sit on it, Ultron!
18. Sonic the Hedgehog

Bet he’s faster than that Quicksilver dude.
19. Beyoncé

20. Freddy Krueger

But only after Wolverine is there too, obviously.
21. The Punisher

Hoooooo boy, can’t see this maniac getting along with Captain America!
22. Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope is awesome.
23. Harry Potter

Harry could definitely show Doctor Strange a thing or two about magic!
24. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Joss Whedon knows her. He could probably talk her into it.
25. Goku

Such a cool haircut!
26. Katniss Everdeen

There’s enough room in the MCU for two master archers.
27. Silver Surfer

And you can throw in Galactus too, while we’re at it.
28. A Potato

Potatoes are so versatile. You could put a potato in any of the movies and people would love it.
29. Sailor Moon

Face it, we need more female heroes in the Marvel movies.
30. Ronald McDonald

Captain America would love this dude.
31. Thomas the Tank Engine

32. Picachu

Could be Rocket Raccoon’s love interest or something like that?
33. A Frankenstein

34. Grandma

Heroes deserve pie.
35. Dr. Frasier Crane

These superheroes are going through a lot. They need a good therapist!
36. Donald Duck

But he’d have to wear pants.
37. Santa Claus

Maybe he’s, like, Thor’s uncle?