1. Staying up way too late to finish your trashy novel.

Technically it is reading. You can’t feel guilty about reading, can you?
2. Ordering “girl drinks.”

Piña coladas are delicious. Life is short. #noshame
3. Singing and dancing in the car.

Keep the windows rolled down LIKE YOU JUST DON’T CARE.
4. Skipping out on work to take a mental health day.
Total Divas
BuzzFeed Creative
(Of course, by mental health day, we mean drinking and/or shopping.)
6. Trying on expensive clothes you know you can’t afford just for fun.

For five whole minutes, your feet will experience shoes that cost as much as your rent. It will be glorious.
7. Going for a second round of free samples.

If they didn’t want you coming around for seconds, they shouldn’t have made them so irresistible! This one is on them.
8. Light levels of online stalking your ex.

We’ve *all* been there.
9. Posting selfies.

Hey. You happen to look extra good today, and the world needs to know. #hatgameonfleek
11. Binging an entire season of your favorite show.

Wine is in hand. PJs are on. Snack game is strong. Life is beautiful.