1. First thing’s first: Pare down your clothes inventory.

Yeah, it sucks. But if you don’t have space for it, you don’t have space for it. Laura at Organizing Junkie has a few tips to make it a little easier.
2. Build extra rod space if your room can handle it.

Split the Lark’s DIY hanging-slash-drying rack on wheels is multifunctional.
4. Loft your bed.

Putting a closet underneath a loft is a great way to use vertical space even if your ceilings are normal height. From domino magazine, via Arianna Belle.
5. Hang multiple garments in one spot with soda can tabs.
Watch a video demonstrating how to do this here.
7. Use old shoe boxes as drawer organizers.

That’s if you have built-in drawers (my college closets did). From I Heart Organizing.
8. Make a (little) bit of extra rod space by hanging scarves etc. on the inside of the doors.

From Wayside Sacraments.
10. A dowel and some rope can double your rod space.

Then you don’t have to splurge on a fancy double hang closet rod. It’s an especially great option if you have a lot of separates, and not so many dresses. From A Purpose Driven Home.
11. Try staggering your rods.

If you have just one long rod going across, it might be worth splitting it up like so.
12. Keep your shoes organized somewhere else, like in a wine box under the bed.

Check out a bunch of shoe storage ideas here.
13. Or under other furniture.

Birch and Lily flipped over an old picture frame. Just put anti-scratch pads on the bottom so it’ll slide out more easily without ruining your floors.
15. Don’t let your tank tops take up all of your space.

Life. Design. and the Pursuit of Craftiness used a cheapo tie hanger to put them all in one spot.
16. For ties (which hang super flat), stick the tie hanger up against the wall.

That way, it doesn’t take up any valuable rod space. On Instructables. You could also use a command hook and a tie rack with a hanger.
17. Every bit of space matters.

Most useful if you have a large collection of earrings, but you can also hang other things from this rain gutter guard DIY from Blue Cricket Design.
18. Use a trunk to store out-of-season clothing or shoes, which can also double as a bench in small spaces.

Get more out of your space, put your out-of-season clothing in vacuum-packed bags.
20. Hang catchalls on the inside of the door.

For those of you without sliding doors. From The Lovely Cupboard.
21. Hang bags up with shower curtain rings and keep random stuff in them.

You could have one bag for underwear, one for socks, etc.
23. If there’s no space for shelving, you could still put a hook on the inside of your door for planning the next day’s outfit.

It’ll save you serious time in the morning.
24. Find ways to maximize your awkward spaces.

Elizabeth sent Apartment Therapy her brilliant makeover, complete with books on one side and little clickable lights (they’re LED so they don’t need to be wired into the electrical system).