來看看EngVid 老師們有什麼發音上的小撇步: <<三個方法讓發音像Native Speaker!>>
1. Wound
Try it: The bandage was wound around the wound. 繃帶纏繞在傷口上。
Wound (V) [waʋnd] : Wind的過去式
Wound (N) [wund] : 傷口
2. Produce
Try it: The farm was used to produce produce. 這座農場過去生產農產品。
Produce (V) [prəˋdjus]: 生產、製造
Produce (N) [ˋprɑdjus] : 農產品
3. Refuse
Try it: The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 垃圾場太滿,無法容納更多垃圾了。
Refuse (V) [rɪˋfjuz] : 拒絕
Refuse (N) [ˋrɛfjus]: 垃圾
4. Polish
Try It: We must polish the Polish furniture. 我們應該要擦亮那件波蘭家具。
Polish (V) [ˋpɑlɪʃ] : 擦亮
Polish (Adj.) [ˋpolɪʃ] : 波蘭的
5. Lead
Try It: He could lead if he would get the lead out. 如果他再勤快一點,就可以當領導人了。
Lead (V) [lid]: 引領
Lead (N) [lɛd] : 鉛
**補充:get the lead out = 趕快
6. Desert
Try It: The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 士兵打算把他的點心留在沙漠裡。
Desert (V) [dɪˋzɝt] : 拋棄
Dessert (N)[dɪˋzɝt]: 點心
Desert (N) [ˋdɛzɚt] : 沙漠
7. Bass
Try It: A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 大鼓上畫了支鱸魚。
Bass (N) [ˋbes] : 低音樂器
Bass (N) [ˋbæs] : 鱸魚
8. Object
Try It: I did not object to the object. 我贊成這個物件。
Object (V) [əbˋdʒɛkt] : 反對
Object (N) [ˋɑbdʒɪkt] : 物體
9. Tear
Try It: Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear. 看到畫上有條裂痕,我就哭了。
Tear (N) [tɛr] : 撕裂
Tear (N) [tɪr] : 眼淚
10. Subject
Try It: I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. 我必須屈服於一連串的考試。
Subject (V) [səbˋdʒɛkt] : 使隸屬;使服從
Subject (N) [ˋsʌbdʒɪkt] : 主題;題目;題材
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