導演 Richard LaGravenese 出品 美國 / 2007 延伸閱讀 http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0431308/ |
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【荷莉與丈夫傑瑞的對話】 Gerry Kennedy: I'm sorry I said the wrong thing to your mother. God, I still get nervous around her. I still think after nine years she doesn't like me. I know I'm being stupid. Holly Kennedy: No, you're not being stupid baby. She doesn't like you. Gerry Kennedy: Really? I kinda thought deep down she really loved me. Holly Kennedy: No... she doesn't. I was ninteen when we got married. You corrupted me with sex and charm and the longer it takes you to make your fortune the less sexy and charming you are. Gerry Kennedy: [Gerry starts looking for something] Holly Kennedy: What? What are you looking for? Gerry Kennedy: My balls. They were hanging there a minute ago.
傑瑞:抱歉,我對妳媽又說錯話了。天哪,到現在只要她出現我還是會緊張。結婚都九年了,我還是認為她不喜歡我。我知道我這是庸人自擾。 荷莉:你不是庸人自擾,她真的不喜歡你。 傑瑞:真的嗎?我還以為她骨子裡還是蠻愛我的。 荷莉:不不不,她才沒有。我們結婚那年我才十九歲。你用性跟魅力讓我墮落,然後你越不快點飛黃騰達,你就越不性感,魅力也跟著消退。 【傑瑞開始找東西】 荷莉:怎麼了?你再找甚麼? 傑瑞:我的男性雄風。剛剛明明還在的啊! -----------------------
【喪夫的荷莉與母親酒店裡的酒保丹尼爾看到一對老夫婦時的對話】 Holly Kennedy: That's a real honest to goodness couple right there. They've probably been together since the flood. Daniel Connelly: We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.
荷莉甘乃迪:他們正是樸實又良善的一對。他們大概是從洪荒時期就在一起了。 丹尼爾:我們都太自大了,對不對?那麼害怕老年,我們不計一切要避免衰老。殊不知能跟一個人終老一生是多麼難得的一件事。一個不會逼你去殺人或是把你羞辱到抬不起頭的伴侶。 ----------------------
【丹尼爾像荷莉抱怨女人心海底針】 Daniel Connelly: What do women want? Holly Kennedy: [whispering] We have no idea what we want. Daniel Connelly: I knew it!
丹尼爾:女人到底要甚麼? 荷莉:【輕聲說】我們也不知道自己要甚麼。 丹尼爾:我就知道! ----------------------
【收到先生安排死後寄給她的許多信之後荷莉的回信】 Holly Kennedy: Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again, and maybe one day I will. But there are all kinds of love out there. This is my one and only life, And its a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive. I don't have a plan... except, it's time my mom laughed again. She has never seen the world... she has never seen Ireland. So, I'm taking her back where we started... Maybe now she'll understand. I don't know how you did it, but you brought me back from the dead. I'll write to you again soon. P.S... Guess what?
荷莉:親愛的傑瑞,你說你希望再戀愛一次,也許以後我會。但是愛有好多種,這卻是我僅有的一生。它是個很棒又很可怕又短又無止盡的歷程,我們都沒有存活下來。我並沒有甚麼計畫…除了,我想讓我媽再有笑顏…她一直都沒能到看到世界…她連愛爾蘭也沒看過。所以,我會帶她回我們初見面的地方…。也許她現在可以了解我們了。我不知道你怎麼辦到的,但是你讓我起死復生了。我會再寫信給你的。P.S.…猜猜我要說甚麼? |