活在當下 – 這是唯一的重要時刻。
Be present – it is the only moment that matters.
- Oct 05 Mon 2015 12:44
- Oct 04 Sun 2015 08:50
原來... 惡夢其實有助讓你遠離你的恐懼!
The Science of Us Sleep Institute presents The Good Side of Bad Dreams
Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night plagued by weird nightmares about stuff that's been worrying you? You know, like a dream where you catch a disease that's been in the news, or, where your boss is literally eating you alive. Don't worry! Those terrible visions are actually helping your mental health.
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 08:50
電影放大鏡- Shrek
If you like yourself, you don't have to worry about how to make others like you.
- Oct 02 Fri 2015 13:39
自學英文碰到瓶頸的我,當我想放棄學英文這條路時,上網搜尋補習班的資訊。網路上的評價讓我決定來威爾斯美語補習班,學習英文的環境是我很重視的要點,上課的方式我更重視互動教學,我所重視的因素, 威爾斯美語補習班都能提供,所以我選擇了威爾斯美語補習班。跟以往補習班不同的是威爾斯美語補習班更多了一個多元課程,學生可以依自己想學的方向,依自己的興趣開多元課程,例如,看電影學英文、旅遊英文、聽老師的留學經驗等,讓我們學英文不會乏味,學習英文需要保持熱忱,學習起來才會有所收獲,威爾斯美語補習班能提供我們助力,能快樂的學習英文。真心想學習的學生需要有強烈動機,有毅力的學生學習英文是不能半途而廢,是需要靠每天的累積,威爾斯美語補習班的環境提供我們學習英文途中所需要的資源,搭配上完課的複習,學習英文更加有效率,感受到事半功倍的效果。
- Oct 01 Thu 2015 08:50
電影放大鏡- Spirited Away
Being mature is knowing what needs to be done, and where you need to go.
- Sep 30 Wed 2015 10:38
- Sep 29 Tue 2015 08:50
1. Record all your thoughts, conversations, and activities. (記錄你的想法、對話以及活動。)
- Sep 28 Mon 2015 10:52
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 08:50
「沒有學不會的事,只怕你不肯學」- You Can Learn Anything
Nobody's born smart. We all start at zero.Can't talk, can't walk, certainly can't do algebra. Adding, reading, writing, riding a bike—nobody's good at anything at first.
There was a time when Einstein couldn't count to 10, and Shakespeare had to learn his ABC's just like the rest of us. Thankfully, we're born to learn. Slowly, surely, you stumble, slip, crawl, fall, and fail, and fall.Frustrating, confusing, trying, struggling, until one day, you walk—
one foot in front of the other, one idea on top of the next, each wrong answer making your brain a little bit stronger.
曾經愛因斯坦也數不到 10,而莎士比亞和我們其餘人一樣要從 ABC 學起。幸好,我們天生就要學習。緩慢、但堅定,你搖搖晃晃、滑倒、爬行、跌倒、失敗,又再摔一跤。挫折、迷惘、嘗試、努力,直到有天,你會走了--一步接著一步、一個想法跟著另一個,每個錯誤答案都讓你的腦袋又更健壯一些。
- Sep 26 Sat 2015 08:50
「同理心的力量--毛蟲哥與蝸牛姐的故事」- Caterpillar and Snail
In the garden, there's a caterpillar and a snail, and they're basically best friends. They hang out 24/7. They do dinner, movie nights, crafts,oh, and they're, like, really into cosplay on top of, like, whatever else caterpillars and snails do, like, eat leaves or something.
花園裡,有一隻毛毛蟲和一隻蝸牛,牠們基本上算最好的麻吉。牠們二十四小時都混在一起。牠們一起吃晚餐、看電影、做手工藝 ,噢,而且牠們真的很迷角色扮演,除了其它毛毛蟲和蝸牛都會做的事之外,像是,吃樹葉還是什麼的。
Anyways, one day they're on their way to a party that's right outside the garden, and they have to go through the fence to get there. So the caterpillar goes right through, but the snail is stuck. Her shell is just too big and it won't fit under the wire, so she's like, "Crap! I can't get through! Maybe, like, can you lift up the wire, or maybe we can build a little bridge or something?" And the caterpillar's like, "Dude, just go under." But she can't. There's just no way that the shell is gonna fit.