When you work hard, people don’t always pay attention to it, but if you slack off, they will surely bear it in mind.
- Apr 07 Tue 2015 08:30
午後每日一句 by VoiceTube
- Apr 06 Mon 2015 08:30
你一定要會的7個「害怕」的生活片語 by VoiceTube
只會用"I’m afraid"、"I’m scared to death"就弱掉了!
- Apr 05 Sun 2015 08:30
CNN, BBC 聽膩了嗎?快來看看更多優質英文廣播!
- Apr 04 Sat 2015 08:30
- Apr 03 Fri 2015 14:39
- Apr 02 Thu 2015 08:40
別再傻傻搞不清! 學英文的撇步你懂了嗎?
- Apr 01 Wed 2015 16:50
威爾斯美語補習班 熱門話題-英語中各樣的"錢"
說到錢,大家所熟悉的英语中的表達方式最常見的是"money"。 "Money"是一個廣義詞,既可以指不定數目的錢,也可以表達一個概念。比如有"Money makes the mare go. (有錢能使鬼推磨)"的諺語,但除了"money"之外還有哪些常用的表達方式呢?
cash 現金,現款
Of the two events, the cash loss-at this moment-weighed more heavily on him.
fund 資金,現款
The President also agreed to support congressional move to grant funds to help middle-and- lower income people pay their higher energy bills.
bill 钞票,紙幣
The newest breed of inhabitants used the Cape Cod heritage not as a symbol of a proud and traditional past but as the symbol of a dollar bill.
note 紙幣
He motioned to the notes stacked on the table.
banknote 鈔票
With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand, Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash.
change 零錢
Just keep the change.
coin 硬幣
His ease was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage and ringing on the floor.
dough 錢,現鈔
The items in the report on her visits to the shop had cost him some dough.
buck 錢
However, in their haste to earn a quick buck, the land and overall environment was greatly suffering.
- Mar 31 Tue 2015 08:30
18 Things People Who Are Chronically Early Will Totally Understand
1. You have to fight the temptation to repeatedly text friends when you arrive somewhere before them.

- Mar 30 Mon 2015 16:09
- Mar 29 Sun 2015 08:30
25 Brilliant Lifehacks For Your Tiny Closet