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When you work hard, people don’t always pay attention to it, but if you slack off, they will surely bear it in mind.

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只會用"I’m afraid"、"I’m scared to death"就弱掉了!

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英文廣播或許就屬 CNN, BBC 最為人所知,

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說到錢,大家所熟悉的英语中的表達方式最常見的是"money" "Money"是一個廣義詞,既可以指不定數目的錢,也可以表達一個概念。比如有"Money makes the mare go. (有錢能使鬼推磨)"的諺語,但除了"money"之外還有哪些常用的表達方式呢? 

  cash 現金,現款 

  Of the two events, the cash loss-at this moment-weighed more heavily on him. 


  fund 資金,現款 

  The President also agreed to support congressional move to grant funds to help middle-and- lower income people pay their higher energy bills. 


  bill 钞票,紙幣

  The newest breed of inhabitants used the Cape Cod heritage not as a symbol of a proud and traditional past but as the symbol of a dollar bill. 


  note 紙幣 

  He motioned to the notes stacked on the table. 


  banknote 鈔票 

  With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand, Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash. 


  change 零錢

  Just keep the change. 


  coin 硬幣 

  His ease was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage and ringing on the floor. 


  dough 錢,現鈔 

  The items in the report on her visits to the shop had cost him some dough. 


However, in their haste to earn a quick buck, the land and overall environment was greatly suffering.


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1. You have to fight the temptation to repeatedly text friends when you arrive somewhere before them.

22 Things People Who Are Chronically Early Will Totally Understand

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當初選擇威爾斯美語補習班的原因有四個: 1.培養第二語言 2.和小孩可以互動 3.增加就業機會 4.可以自助旅行 威爾斯美語補習班讓我印象深刻的地方: 1. 活潑的互動教學 2. 老師的專業和親切指導. 3. 可以針對需求提供多元化學習給好評價. 我會推薦給有出國需要補強英文的朋友來這進修


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Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Ted S. Warren / AP

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Google鼓勵有志加入數位行銷領域的社會新鮮人把握最後倒數機會,在4/10前報名「Google 數位火星計劃」並考取Google AdWords證照,加入「數位火星人」的行列!

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After Cheetah Platt, 30, proposed to his girlfriend, Rhiann Woodyard, 32, last year, the two struggled with deciding on one specific theme or idea for their wedding.

After Cheetah Platt, 30, proposed to his girlfriend, Rhiann Woodyard, 32, last year, the two struggled with deciding on one specific theme or idea for their wedding.

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新聞:多元主題模擬情境 威爾斯美語補習班獲好評價

新聞出處:中央社  http://www.cna.com.tw/postwrite/Detail/167091.aspx

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Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

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1. You learn that the friends you thought would be there forever won’t be, and the ones you never expected to stick around will be right by your side.

23 Lessons You Learn In Your Early Twenties

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He defrauded thousands of people, stealing tiny sums of money in hidden transactions. And since 2011, investigators believe this hacker had amassed around half a million euros.

It appears those smartphones that use Google software were the most susceptible.

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Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

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